Mon.itor.Us - free website and server monitoring service collects immense amount of data which can be used for to learn about uptime of ISPs. The information can serve as an alternative source for making decision about which ISP to choose.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mon.itor.Us and ISP Uptime Ranking for March - July 2008

Thee months after the last ISP ranking report Mon.itor.Us, a leading free website monitoring service, publishes new uptime statistics based on over 65,000 http tests and over 160 million checks for http performed during reporting period.

Uptime Statistics

The results are presented in the tables show: ISPs provided higher uptime from the US than Europe. 20 ISPs from Europe provided 99% + uptime and only one reached 99.5%, while 10 ISPs provided 99.5% + uptime according to the test results from the US location.

Mon.itor.Us performs over 18 million checks per day between http, ping, https, ftp, pop, smtp,
dns, tcp, udp, imap, sip tests. Chart below shows allocation of the tests performed during the reporting period.

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